Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Physiology Of Weight Determination Example For Students
The Physiology Of Weight Determination However, it is also true that a person becomes heavier than what she aims to be in different ways. Therefore, since people gain weight in different unique ways, dieting should also be based on how you gain weight. If we are to discuss the physiology of weight determination, this is based on the idea that we gain weight when the energy of our calorie intake exceeds our energy use. But we should know that we burn calories in exercise, the digestion of food and the ââ¬Å"basal metabolic rateâ⬠or BMR which is the calories we burn when we are resting. Standard results show that our BMR declines as we age. Given this fact, we can infer that a person sustains the same amount of calorie intake and ways of exercising as he or she ages, that individual will gain weight (Goldfarb, Leonard and Suranovic). We will write a custom essay on The Physiology Of Weight Determination specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now What are the causes of dieting? There are six reasons why people succumb to dieting. We have aging-associated, disease-provoked, physical-life-events-provoked, style-provoked, smoking-cessation and innovation-provoked dieting. These causes are also dependent to the determinants of weight production which includes basal metabolism which are uniquely affected by the age and gender, appetite and other factors affecting calorie intake. What causes you to lose weight? There are three important features of weight and utility which are negative health effects, appearances effects and increase in task costs. For negative health effects, we have shorter life span, poorer health, and an increase in health care cost. Appearances effects are either internal or external. Internal effects include oneââ¬â¢s own dislike to his or her body image or the external which pertains to the reactions of others that are generated by the nonideal weight. In increase in task costs, there are the daily life annoyances which refer to the increasing difficulty in finding clothing that fits airline seats where we could fit or the difficulty in performing physical activities (Goldfarb, Leonard and Suranovic). Thus, we can conclude that the perception about weight loss may change with age or life circumstances. Maybe you went through a lot to really resort to losing weight or maybe it is just because of the age you are in or the pressure you feel around you such as the lean people with you, the media and other factors. Maybe, sooner or later, you may realize that you do not want to undergo diet anymore because maybe you are really healthy but you really want to be thinner because of the stigma you received in your environment (Goldfarb, Leonard and Suranovic) You can do some exercise of your choice, change the nutritional content of what you eat or upset your appetite so you can eat less and store less calories since increased level in our calories can also lead to weight gain. But, this diet learning that you are doing and the diet failures you have been through might create impacts on your diet choices. Goldfarb and Leonard suggests that we just do it: one, you need to positively think that you are not going to fail in your chosen diet plan again,; two, just learn by doing it; and three, do not be afraid to try other diet plans if in case your choice of plan fails (Goldfarb, Leonard and Suranovic). A very effective diet plan is finding the equilibrium between energy in and energy out of our body. The heat energy in our body is measured in calories. If an individual takes in fewer calories from the food the person eats compared to what the person can burn over a span of time, that individual will burn the fats and will end up losing weight. Age is really a big factor for the daily calorie requirement of our body (Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School). .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 , .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .postImageUrl , .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 , .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:hover , .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:visited , .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:active { border:0!important; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:active , .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9 .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u240c58c8231efb7a8f6a75dff4ba47e9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dumas Method: Molecular Weight DeterminationAnother research also cited that the Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers and Ordish diets are all effective foe helping people in their adult stage to lose weight and it is good for the reduction of cardiac disease possibilities. I suggest a diet that you can easily follow so that the level of frustration upon using the chosen diet will be less (British Medical Journal). Based on the things that worked and do not work for me, here are my suggestions of the food that you should never eat. . You should never eat frostings, bagels, processed baked goods, soda, sugary cereals, jarred tomato sauce, bacon, maraschino cherries, and soy sauce. To achieve a flat stomach, do eat the following: almonds, leafy greens, oats, olive oil, beans, peppermint, green tea, kelp, apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice, fresh tomatoes, garlic, chili, bananas, melons, cucumber, watercress, fennel, berries, cinnamon, lemongrass, ginger, artichoke, brown rice, peanuts, avocado, quinoa, couscous, sunflower seeds, pistachios, natural yogurt, mackerel, salmon, papaya, pineapple, black pepper, celery, lentils, peppers, and liquorice. Sugar is really bad for people who are dieting because these still adds to our excessive calorie intake. Vegetables are good but you donââ¬â¢t need to become a vegetarian or a vegan. A healthy balance of leafy greens and lean meat are the best combo you can have.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
THEATRE CH Essay THEATRE CH Essay Theatre is a form of art that places actors before a group of people in an act of engagement and discovery about life Theatrical performances have taken place for thousands of years and in all world cultures with few exceptions. The great societies of Europe, China and India first nurtured theatre as a means of gathering citizens together to celebrate civic accomplishments, warn of personal errors, or ridicule societyââ¬â¢s fools. Because of that, ancient civilizations in the East and West created dramatic art and stage traditions lasting centuries. Immediacy and presence have set theatrical art apart from other forms of art. Actors present themselves to their audience in a story involving intensely personal aspects of human behavior. Theatre has been defined as a way of seeing men and women in action, observing what they do and why, and the results of their actions. It can be said that theatre is an immediate way of experiencing what it means to be human. Thornton Wilderââ¬â¢s, The Match Maker is an example of how theatre engages actors in a very human story about true love. In his play it shows the course of true love failing to run smoothly because their elders did not approve but went over their heads and saw each other anyway. Theatres living quality- itââ¬â¢s immediacy, aliveness, spaces and spectators. Theatre is different from T.V, films, etc. is the live interaction of the physical presence audience and actors. The Lion King, The Wicked, and The Addams Family are all examples of diversion from serious events like civil unrest and unfolding wars. A theatrical event is restricted to a fixed number of seats in a single building. In New York or London playhouses seat approximately 700-2,000 people nightly. In contrast to the interactivity of digital media, theatre engages us in an active and kinetic physical construction of behavior and meaning. Theatre cannot be replicated in another medium, once the performance ends it is gone forever. Whatââ¬â¢s unique and disheartening is that theatre is being lost to future generations. Theatreââ¬â¢s living quality on both sides of the ââ¬Å"footlightsâ⬠sets it apart from its popular mass media competitors. Theatre parallels life- representing our humanness in an imitation of human truths and realities. Theatre is ââ¬Å"aliveâ⬠as actors tell a story in immediate communion with its audience. Film and theatre are equally convincing in their story telling powers, but their modes of presentation are vastly different. 6 ESSENTIAL PARALLELS: Actors - Humanity Simulation - Reality Rehearsal - Discovery Improvisation - Spontaneity Stage - World Audiences - Society At all times in theatre there is doubleness. The actors are human beings representing the playwrightââ¬â¢s imaginative expression of our humanity and the human condition; the stage is a platform that convinces us itââ¬â¢s another world. Theatreââ¬â¢s doubleness- art mirroring life, and life mirroring art- is another special quality of this complex art. Doubleness reflects a sense of life lived on stage during a theatrical experience. The audience experiences the actor both as actor- the living presence of another being- and fictional character. The Elizabethan idea of the stage as a mirror, related as it is to the act of seeing, can help understand the dynamics of theatre and its aesthetics. As reflected in the mirror, our humanity has shape, color, form, attitude and emotion; it is even capable of movement within the limits of the mirrorââ¬â¢s frame. It is both a stage world and an illusion of a real world. Theatre is lifeââ¬â¢s double, it is a selected reflection organized into stories and fictions about events and people to tell us something about our humanity. Theatre creates illusion, as we watch, that we are sharing an experience with others for the first time. In theatre we both believe in what is happening before us (ââ¬Å"suspend our disbelief,â⬠as the poet Coleridge said) and disbelieve in the stage-world before us. The word
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research report - Essay Example for them to evaluate the needs and preferences of the customers based on their demographics and provide products and services which fit their individual needs. A research was conducted to identify the factors that contribute most to the selection of a particular hospital for delivery. The research used a survey method to acquire data from the respondents. A questionnaire was designed to which comprised of dichotomous questions, checklists and questions with a rating grid. The sample size composed of 270 individuals with 244 females and 26 males. The research helped Norton to successfully capture a glimpse of the demographics of the local population. The findings of the research showed that males and females significantly differ in rating the importance of different factors. Also it was apparent that females rate the factors highly than their male counterparts, so the importance of female as a target population was highlighted. In addition to that, the research spotlighted the importance of educational level and how it could be used to segment the target market since individuals with different qualification levels rated different factors in a different manner. The study also emphasized on the importance of certain factors which will be helpful in increasing the brand equity. Those mainly include quality of care, friendliness of staff, maternity facilities and reputation of hospital. Health care industry has undergone through massive changes and companies have increasingly become focused towards developing innovative strategies to attract and retain customers. Companies have recognized the importance of marketing research since a new trend was developed when Medicare started reimbursing hospitals by ways of Diagnose Related Illness (DRGââ¬â¢s) rather than on the basis of costs. DRGââ¬â¢s are basically an organized way to classify hospital cases that uses similar hospital resources (Reference). Patients have now become savvier and they decide how they should be
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Acquisition of International Power in UK by Gaz de France Essay - 1
Acquisition of International Power in UK by Gaz de France - Essay Example Mergers have been one of the most effective options for companies seeking growth and expansion. This is because merger has the potential of ensuring rapid and speedy turnovers in terms of the revenue, market size customer base and physical infrastructure of a company. This however does not mean that mergers are free from challenges. In this report, it was not the merits of the merger between International Power and Gaz de France that are reviewed but also any challenges that the companies involved must look out for. This is preceded with a detailed description of both companies. This description is very necessary for this report because it is only after having a detailed understanding of the companies involved, their history, their mission and vision, their strategic plans, and of course their projected growth rate that the merger that has taken place can best be analysed in the interest of both companies. Comprehensive macro analysis is also conducted for both companies as this is a lso necessary in judging the economic viability of the merger. Finally, there is a detailed scrutiny of the valuation of the merger. The valuation was done in comparison with not only the macro economic factors outlined earlier but with other micro economic factors such as project depreciation rates, projected inflation rate and projected interest rates are concerned. Concluding, suggestions are made for the companies as to how they can ensure maximisation of the economic stand they have taken and the economic journey they have just began. Brief description of both companies International Power has been one of United Kingdomââ¬â¢s power houses when it comes to established and flourishing businesses. The company was commissioned in 2000 following a demerger by National Power. Since that time, the companyââ¬â¢s performance has seen it being listed on the London Stock Exchange and FTSE 100 Index. The Guardian (2012) notes that International Power has attained a sustained growth r ate on the various stock markets. The graph below is a clear indication of the success rate of the company on the London Stock Exchange. Source: The Guardian (March, 2012) Clearly, International Power is an appreciating company when it comes to revenue. The companyââ¬â¢s basic business is in power generation. As a power (electricity) generation company, International Power has been touted to have the capacity of producing a gross of 72,360 megawatts of power and a net production of 42,225 megawatts of power (International Power, 2011). This makes the company a global leading competitor in the power generation industry. Gaz de France Suez also has a very good history and operational background. Operationally, both GDF Suez and International Power are in the power generation sector. Additionally, GDF Suez goes beyond power distribution into the distribution of power, generation of natural gases, and also into the generation of renewable energy for its numerous clients around the wo rld. Before the year 20008, the company was simply known as GDP or Gaz de France because it had not merged with Suez Environment, the company in which Gaz de France has up to 35% market stake in. Due to the continuing market urge of the company, it is listed on a number of stock markets including the Euronext Exchanges. The company continues to undertake massive growth and expansion activities including the constructions of ââ¬Å"a gas-fired combined cycle power plant of at least 1,500MW and an associated water desalination plant with a capacity of 102 to 107 MIGD (464 to 486 thousand m?/day)â⬠(GDF Suez, 2012). Macro Analysis The macro economic indicators of companies go long ways to influence, inform and affect their decisions and policies on growth and expansion. Knowing that Gaz de Franceââ¬â¢
Monday, November 18, 2019
The existence of Sylvia Plath's mental illness Research Paper
The existence of Sylvia Plath's mental illness - Research Paper Example The feminine self that Plath often explores in her poems is permeated with an autocratically free zeal which fiercely struggles for more breath under the choking grip of her male counterpart and ferociously victimizes her male foes. In an article ââ¬Å"Mad Poets Societyâ⬠, Alex Beam confirms that Plath began to develop schizophrenic syndromes and manic depression at the age of twenty. He says in this regard, ââ¬Å"At the age of twenty, Plath experienced mild depressions while studying at Smithâ⬠(Beam 98). But a close psychoanalysis of the evidences in her poems as well as her life-events will necessarily reveal that her mental illness -schizophrenia and manic depression- can directly be connected to her experiences of her father Otto Plath and her husband Ted Hughes. In this paper I will explore the evidences of Plathââ¬â¢s real-life mental illness in Plathââ¬â¢s poems and stories. Also this paper will discuss whether Plath successfully uses her mental illness to h er advantage, or whether she dissociates from it. When Plath was eight, Otto ââ¬Å"developed gangrene in one foot after minor trauma and was found to have late stage untreated diabetes mellitusâ⬠(Cooper 4). ... Secondly, it was the end of a male authority and restriction under which Plathââ¬â¢s young feminine had been panting. This ââ¬Å"death at such a young age for Plath had some sort of a belated effect on her mental healthâ⬠(Dyer 5). Referring to the complexity of Plathââ¬â¢s relationship with her father, Ling notes, ââ¬Å"Plath herself faces a confusing relationship with her father, whom she lost to diabetes at quite an early ageâ⬠¦.Her need to please her father remains with her even to her death, as she was unable to exorcise the hold of this strange, authoritarian figure over herâ⬠(2). Later, this emotional complexity about her father further got aggravated by Ted Hughesââ¬â¢s extramarital affair as well as academic failure. Consequently, her literary works show an abundance of schizophrenic symptoms. Apart from Plathââ¬â¢s inability to think rationally, a good deal of her poems displays the paroxysmal and spastic emotions like burning anger, hatred and wrath against her father and her husband. ââ¬ËDaddyââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËLady Lazarusââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËColossusââ¬â¢ ââ¬ËFull Fathom Fiveââ¬â¢, etc are some of these poems which displays her real-life schizophrenic symptoms. Indeed Schizophrenia is a ââ¬Å"mental disorder that makes ità hard for the patient to a. tell the difference between what is real and not real, b. think clearly, c. have normal emotional responses, and d. actà normally in social situationsâ⬠(Freudenreich 23). In ââ¬ËDaddyââ¬â¢, Plathââ¬â¢s hatred for her father obviously surpasses her rationality. She successfully portrays and then disparages a patriarchal ââ¬Ëfather-figureââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"in which [she] have lived like a foot / For thirty years, poor and white, / Barely daring to breathe or Achooâ⬠(Plath, ââ¬Å"Daddyâ⬠). It is quite normal for a feminist to take any patriarchal authority
Friday, November 15, 2019
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Themes Presented in Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti Essay -- Gobli
Themes Presented in Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti's used her poetry to express herself; her work exhibits many autobiographical elements and from it the reader can discern Rossetti's emotions, beliefs and her comments on the society she lived in. As a female poet it would have been improper for Rossetti to deal directly with these issues though and so her ideas are masked through appearing to be children's poetry and having simple meanings. 'Goblin Market' superficially appears to a moral story about two sisters one of whom gives way to the temptation of the goblins forbidden fruits but through her poetic techniques Rossetti manages to embody her fears and desires. One of the desires Rossetti appears to have in this poem is for a relationship similar to that of Lizzie and Laura; the closing lines of the poem express the joys of having a sister "To fetch one if one goes astray", but Rossetti had only brothers. This theme of friendship is crucial to the plot of the poem and maybe Rossetti yearns for someone she can feel close to. Rossetti shows the difference between the love Laura has for the goblins fruits and the love between the sisters through the use of parallelism. While Laura "sucked" the goblins' fruits "until her lips were sore" showing Laura's greed as she gives way to temptation and gives a strongly physical image, Lizzie calling "Hug me, kiss me, suck my juices / Squeezed from goblin fruits for you" brings to mind Lizzie's self-sacrifice - the difference of Laura's lust for the juices and Lizzie's love for her sister is apparent. The image by Rossetti describing the sisters "Like two pigeons in one nest" creates a strong impression of the closeness between the two s... ...n coming before love in Rossetti's life. 'Goblin Market' contains many of the key themes that appear throughout Rossetti's poetry. In typical Rossettian style it appears almost superfluous on first reading but subtexts hidden within it. The casual rhyming scheme suggests that the work is a aimed at being children's poetry but the issues it deals with are distinctly adult. Early in the poem Laura is described as "rearing her glossy head" and much later on Lizzie is referred to as being stubborn as a "horse"; this demonstrates that through repetition and subtle parallels Rossetti manages to show how both sisters are so similar and yet so far apart. Christina Rossetti's use of poetic devices allows 'Goblin Market' to work on several levels allowing her to write poetry both acceptable to the society she lived in while also allowing her to express herself.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Miss Havishamââ¬Â¦A Victim or a Villain? Essay
Was Miss Havisham a victim or a villain? This extremely eccentric character is absolutely essential to the plot of Great Expectations, for with malice intended, she greatly alters the paths of Pipââ¬â¢s and Estellaââ¬â¢s lives, and with obsessive behavior destroys her own life. Miss Havisham was heir to a fortune that had been gained by successful industry rather than noble birth. Miss Havishamââ¬â¢s suitor, Compeyson, was, by social classification, beneath her. The fact that he jilted her and was of a lower station was a double blow to her obviously frail mental state. Dickens reminds us that even money earned by hard work rather than noble inheritance does not assure happiness. With this catalytic event, Miss Havisham committed pseudo suicide and confined herself to a mausoleumâ⬠¦Satis House. It is necessary for the reader to know that Miss Havishamââ¬â¢s psychotic behavior began precisely at 8:40 a.m. on what was to have been her wedding day. When Miss Havisham learned that she had been deserted by Compeyson, she was wearing just one shoe. ââ¬Å"She had not quite finished dressing, for she had but one shoe on.â⬠Dickens is emphasizing how suspended in time Miss Havisham remains. It does not seem a stretch to believe that Dickens was showing us how all of humanity is just one step from insanity. Dickens described Miss Havishamââ¬â¢s surroundings: the court-yard ââ¬Å"but grass growing in every crevice,â⬠and the brewery ââ¬Å"all was empty and disused.â⬠Metaphorically, the same words describe Miss Havisham and illustrate that a life of revenge is hollow and unattended. The humiliation and hurt Miss Havisham suffers at the hand of Compeyson causes her to coach her adopted daughter, Estella, in the many ways to breakà a manââ¬â¢s heart. Incapable of doing it herself from her weakened and aging position, she uses Estella as her weapon of revenge. I am quite certain that Dickens arrived at Miss Havishamââ¬â¢s name by implementing some combination of words that provided him with a metaphorical laugh. I have my own interpretation; Websterââ¬â¢s Comprehensive Dictionary shares my guilt. One definition of ââ¬Å"haveâ⬠is â⬠¦ ââ¬Å"to cause.â⬠ââ¬Å"Shamâ⬠is also defined as â⬠¦ ââ¬Å"something to be pretended other than it is.â⬠To cause a pretension is exactly what Miss Havisham did to Pip by allowing him to think she was his secret benefactor. Miss Havisham was a victim only because she allowed herself to be. A strong person would have quickly realized that her life would be improved by being liberated from Compeyson, a white-collared criminal. Miss Havishamââ¬â¢s villainy is forgivable; her self-imposed insanity allows us to do that. Miss Havisham is a marvelous diversion for the reader: not quite believable, but oh, so interesting.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Long Shadow of Little Rock essays
The Long Shadow of Little Rock essays Book Review: Bates, Long Shadow of Little Rock Daisy Bates, the author of The Long Shadow of Little Rock, is a civil rights activist, newspaper writer and an officer in the NAACP. In the book, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, she writes about the hate, anger and segregation of blacks in Arkansas. The book is presented more as an autobiography of the author herself, although the story of the integration of nine black students in the Little Rock Central High School in 1957 takes spotlight in the book. Bates mentions about the hardship of her and the nine other students in the effort to defy local segregation and bring integration in the school, as well as in the whole of the US. The author has been able to provide the facts of what racial prejudice was back then in the 1950s. She gives a hint that the whites back then had the right to do anything on blacks during then when she writes about the brutal killing of her mother in a rape attempt by three white men. She also mentions about the differences in education for whites and blacks. The whites would get better facilities in big and new schools, and the blacks had to depend on the poor conditions of their segregated schools. The incident took place during the 1950s, when segregation was common practice. Moreover, the author, who is a black female from the south, had already seen a lot of segregating activities. The most important of all, the murdering of her mother by white men, which changed her views of the world, and especially towards the whites. This grew into a personal commitment in her to help the black community. This can be clearly seen in her articles in her newspaper, as well as in action during the Little Rock Central High Crisis. The author is one of the most influential personalities during the integration crisis in 1957. She was the one who helped the nine black students attend the Little Rock Central High. And she was the one who took ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Example
Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Example Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Domestic abuse against women In her news article, the spokesperson for amnesty international describes domestic violence as a worldwide phenomenon that violates the human rights of female victims (Mite, 2005). In addition, the United Nations Childrenââ¬â¢s Fund (UNICEF) described violence against women as ââ¬Å"a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and maims ââ¬â physically, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is one of the most pervasive of human rights violations, denying women and girls equality, security, dignity, self-worth, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedomsâ⬠(UNICEF, 2000). I agree with the above assertions because violence against women is so rampant and it happens in all spheres of life, be it in homes, work places, on the streets, learning institutions, and during moments of war and peace alike. Because of the pervasiveness of domestic violence against women and its devastating physical and psychological effects, my paper will be focusing on domestic violence against women in Canada. I believe that domestic abuse against women should be eradicated in this twenty-first century because it breeds psychic disempowerment, mental distress, and affects womenââ¬â¢s health, wellness and self esteem. The question that this paper will address is the following: what resources should be made available to support female victims of domestic violence who are currently living with an abusive partner, or have recently left an abusive relationship? The paper will begin with a definition of domestic violence, followed by a discussion of resources and the nursing role. According to Etter and Birzer (2007), domestic violence occurs when a partner or former partner inflicts physical harm on someone with whom they have or previously had an intimate relationship. This physical harm can result in major or minor injury, and can be inflicted with or without a weapon. Researchers have identified supportive counseling as beneficial to female victims of domestic violence (Madoc-Jones Roscoe, 2010; McNamara, Tamanini, Pelletier-Walker, 2008). The emotional support that counseling offers can help female victims of domestic violence identify trengths and assets that they may not have been aware they possessed because their partnersââ¬â¢ criticisms may have left them feeling worthless and feeling incapable of taking action to alter their circumstances. Working with a counselor would enable the women to develop a healthy self-image, become aware of their resilience and personal strength, and they may begin to see themselves as survivors of domestic violence as opposed to victims. By becoming aware of their strengths, women may begin to feel empowered and capable of mobilizing their personal resources to take steps towards leaving the abusive relationship. Counseling can also provide female victims of domestic violence with an opportunity to reduce their feelings of self-blame for the abuse they receive when they are made aware of the prevalence of domestic violence and the factors that contribute to it, such as patriarchal social structures, income differentials between men and women, and cultural norms that condone the use of physical aggression against women. This knowledge would help reduce their feelings of isolation and blame because they would understand that they are not alone in their experience of domestic violence. Because of the economic dependency of women on their abusers (Sanders, Weaver, Schnabel, 2007), the social structure has placed women on the receiving end by keeping them down economically through lower wages and less opportunities for employment (Sanders, Weaver, Schnabel, 2007). As a result, it can be argued that belonging to a low income group and economic dependence, among other factors, may be linked to higher rates of spousal assault against women. Many low income female victims of domestic violence are at a high risk of developing psychological problems such as depression, stress, and low self esteem (Hare, 2010). They are also emotionally attached to the abuser to the extent that they cannot leave a relationship for fear of being left alone in a wretched economic situation (Hare, 2010). As a result, some may be worried about child support and financial assistance, and others may be afraid of the threats of retaliation and abduction of children by the abuser. Given that economic dependence is significant in domestic abuse, there is a need for victims to create their own economic independence. In this way, women would no longer look at men as the sole bread winners of the family or providers of childcare and financial ssistance, and they would be able to support themselves financially if they were to leave their abusive partners. To implement the above, the government needs to provide access to job training and education geared towards female victims of domestic violence. This could serve as a fundamental tool that dismantles a vicious cycle of oppression, abuse and poverty of women. Given that the nursing profession plays an important role in public health, nurses can use their skills to advocate on behalf of the abused by creating awareness about the impact of domestic violence against women. Advocacy could also involve referrals to resources for women, such as counseling services and shelters for women leaving abusive partners, as well as providing victims with information about how to protect themselves against abuse, helping them develop a safety plan, and helping to reduce their feelings of self-blame and shame by highlighting the pervasiveness of domestic violence. This paper identified some of the resources that would provide support and assistance to female victims of domestic violence, such as economic support and counseling. The importance of economic support cannot be overlooked because financial independence can lead to improvements in psychological health and well-being, and creates the material means through which these women can escape from an abusive relationship. In addition, counseling can reduce womenââ¬â¢s isolation, self-blame, and help them identify their assets and personal resources, which can boost their self-confidence and provide them with the strength to leave the abuser.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Nursing Theory Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Nursing Theory - Article Example There are various classifications of nursing theories which include meta theory, grand, middle range and practice theories. These theories are descriptive, explanatory, predictive or prescriptive. Metatheory brings about the identification of specific phenomena through abstract concepts. Grand theory gives provision of a theoretical construction under which the main concepts and principles of the discipline can be recognized. Middle range theory is more precise. It examines a particular situation with a limited variable numbers (George, 2010). Nursing theories are useful in assessing patientsââ¬â¢ conditions, identifying the patientsââ¬â¢ needs, demonstrating an effective communication and interaction with the patient. The nursing practice theory provides the basis for nursing practice. Practice theory explores a particular situation in nursing and identifies clear goals and details of ways of achieving the goals (Masters, 2012). In this essay, focus is intently on the nursing caring theory which is fundamental and fits my nursing practice. The caring theory basically comprises of two vital constructive backgrounds of emotional response, and mutual and mutual interdependence. In this case, the ethics of care leads to the rejection of reasoning and judgements that are dispassionate and partial, that are dominant with the paradigms and models of bioethics (Parker, 2005). To be precise and more specific, we are going to select the Swanson Caring Theory. This is a middle-range theory, and as described earlier this theory is precise, examines a particular situation (in this case it is about caring), with somewhat limited variables ( The Swanson theory developed from the Carolina Care Model, at the University of North Carolina Hospitals. They designed the model so as to aid in the actualization of caring theory, support practices that uphold patient satisfaction, and bring a transformation in cultural norms. This is precisely what will enable the dealing the nursing issue of caring that is a concern in my nursing practice. I suppose that the model and the theory are specifically vital for scrutinizing the issue at hand. Furthermore, evaluation has suggested that this approach to care delivery boosts the hospital experiences of patients and families and smoothes the progress of the desired outcome ( With the current practice setting, the theory presents itself as the guide to an ideal caring practise in comparison the current situation in care delivery. The Swanson theory may possibly be remarkable in accelerating the progress towards the ideal in caring. The structure offers an articulate explanation of the relations between caring processes and the patientââ¬â¢s well-being ( The sub dimensions of every process at a deeper level, offer proposals for what can be done to create the correlation connecting theory and practice to be comprehensible and valuable to clinicians. Caring th eory suggests that nurses showing they care about patients is as imperative to patient well-being as caring for them via clinical means e.g. prevention of infections and administration of medications. The implementation of this model would be an approach to actualization of caring theory across a health care firm through systematic incorporation of interventions linking nursing actions, caring processes, and expectations ( Overview of key demographic data, health issues and diagnoses within the populations The region where we offer our nursing services is cosmopolitan. They are people from different cultural and racial backgrounds. They are from different dialects, hold different
Friday, November 1, 2019
Reflection Papers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Reflection Papers - Essay Example Similarly, the contestation over the significance and meanings of ââ¬Ëgirl powerââ¬â¢ and girl culture have produced new relationship between feminism, girls, and popular culture. In particular, popular culture has always been the primary focus of feminism (Biddle & Gibson, 2009). Apparently, the impact of contemporary life on women and the importance of popular culture to mapping ideologies and desires around the modern woman have been of vast interest to feminists. As a popular civilization, girl culture is conceivably a form of feminism. Many of the contemporary feminist approaches underline the active deployment of popular culture by women. In summary, the complexity in discussing or analyzing the relations between Spice Girls and their fans suggests the difficulty surrounding ââ¬Ëidentificationââ¬â¢ (Biddle & Gibson, 2009). According to British cultural theorists, Paddy Whannel and Stuart Hall assert that the pop stars girls admire are tangible idealizations of life of a typical teenager, and not merely remote stars. In addition, the psychoanalytic principle claims that girls are normally characterized by over-investment in objects. The principle reflects or denotes a fear of separation and
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